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Welcome to ZombieManic.com
To join our community, please login or register! To play simply visit us in game at play.zombiemanic.com
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Map Submissions Guidelines πŸ—ΊοΈ



  • Size ⬇️
    • Avoid creating large maps as they are challenging to play within the game's time limits
  • Breakable Blocks πŸ”¨
    • Use breakable blocks like Iron Bars, Iron Doors, Iron Trap Doors, Glass Blocks (all colors), and full wooden planks (avoid half blocks).
  • Wall Border 🏰
    • Ensure all maps have a boundary to prevent players from escaping. You are responsible for this.
  • Lava & Rain β˜”
    • Excessive lava can cause lag; refrain from using it. Rain also leads to lag, so opt for snow if necessary.
  • Themes 🌈
    • Strive for unique and original themes in your maps to increase the chance of acceptance.
  • Chests & Loot 🎁
    • Don't place items in chests; plugins handle loot. Avoid double chests and ender chests for loot storage.
  • Beds πŸ›οΈ
    • Avoid using beds, as they may cause glitches. Instead, use wool blocks or carpets to represent beds.
  • Item Frames πŸ–ΌοΈ
    • Limit the use of item frames to prevent lag. Empty item frames are not a problem.
  • Unbreakable Wood πŸͺ΅
    • Differentiate between breakable and non-breakable blocks by using half slabs for unbreakable wooden planks.
  • Redstone Doors πŸšͺ
    • Ensure redstone mechanisms are covered and functional. If you need help with redstone, contact us. Use buttons for iron doors, and place a repeater between levers and pistons.
  • Spawn Points 🏁
    • We will set the spawn points; you can suggest general locations but don't mark every single one.
  • Void World 🌌
    • Build your map in our "Void World" to streamline the submission process. It's the standard world used in the game, with a glass block at the spawn point.


Things To Avoid (OP AREAS) 🚫

  • Long, narrow tunnels are discouraged; if necessary, make them wide with multiple entry points.

  • Keep areas equally accessible from zombie spawns for balanced gameplay.

  • Mazes tend to hinder gameplay, avoid them.

  • Ensure players remain engaged throughout the game, preventing them from just waiting in a room.

  • Make areas reachable by both humans and zombies unless it's intended otherwise.



  • We vote on maps every few weeks, so don't worry if it takes time.

  • If using someone else's build, get permission and inform us to avoid potential bans.

  • Maps are rejected mostly due to gameplay issues; ensure it's balanced and fun.

  • The voting process involves "Rejected," "Needs Work," and "Accepted" categories. Feedback is provided for "Needs Work" maps.


Sending your map πŸ“©

Step One: Navigate to the Resource Page: https://zombiemanic.com/resources/
Step Two: Select New Resource

Step Three: Fill in the required Information, And ensure that Player Created Maps is selected as the category. (map name), Short Description, Long Description, and collaborators, Do not try and upload or drag your zip into any of these inputs:

Step Four: Press Submit once the information has been filled out, making sure the file type is set to zip:

Step Five: press the upload zip button, select the zip file. and then press submit:

after pressing submit you can notify an admin that the file is uploaded and available.

Map Submission Format 🌟

Do you have an exciting map idea for our game modes? Submit it following this format:

Your Username: [Your Username]

Your Map Name: [Your Map Name]

Attached File: [Your zipped map file] (See Zip Instructions)

Coordinates: [Coords in ZM Map Making Server]

Notes: Include details about the game's flow, secret areas, or any other essential information.


πŸ“Œ Please build your map in the designated Void World or a Superflat world before submitting. We look forward to your creative contributions! 🌟