We have made some back end improvements to speed up the website and ensure that it loads quicker.
We have also fixed a few things between server and website connectivity
/register <email> will now auto register you to the website, simply click forgot password and follow those instructions to create a password if you do not get a registration email
/winfo - will now provide you with information about yourself
/notifications - will now provide you any notifications you have on the website
Remember you must stay in the lobby, or minigame server for at least 60 seconds after registration for the server to correctly promote you. as you get promoted in game, the website will update after about 60 seconds in either of these two servers. we will be integrating the website plugin into all of the servers here shortly. allowing registration and updates from any server. We will also be introducing a leaderboards section allowing registered players a chance to participate in our server leaderboards, so don't forget to register in game to join our website and participate in all of our stats!</email>
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